
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Cannabis and The 2016 Candidates

Flag and Leaf
So I’m sitting here listening to these nit wits- well, maybe more drifting in and out than listening— but either way, I’m listening to them go on and on about how bad all the others are going to be and how we should pick them because the others are no good. I’ve noticed over the weeks only 1, maybe 2, that actually stick to speaking of the good they plan to do versus the bad their opponent will do.
Thinking along the lines of the good they will do, I start to wonder; “Hmm, which one will actually do good by pot?” my wife jumped and said “What? Did you say something?” Nah….my bad, just thinking out loud again. Apparently.  So I start to think about it again. I mean, I’m pretty high right now and I like that, I’ve been doing it a long time now. I’m accustomed to it. I would like to keep doing it. I do what I need to do and I’m not hurting anyone and there are many like me. Some people drink, I like to smoke since I can function.  So who, out of these people, will stand up for my right as a grown adult to enjoy myself? Or at least for a sick person to treat themselves? Who, out of these candidates is going to be my best ally in the war against me not being high? I’m pretty sure I already knew who I was going to support, for various other reasons, but I really couldn’t tell you right off hand where they stand on marijuana legalization.
So now a little paranoia pokes it’s head in and I start to think that if I don’t know about the one I was going to vote for,  what about the others? It would be bad enough to have someone in office who is “not good” or indifferent for pot but even worse to have someone who is bad for legalization. The wrong person in office could possibly take us backwards. So in the spirit of making an informed decision plus just quenching the curiosity, I decided to do a little research and find out where each of them stand on marijuana legalization. Below is some of the information I came across to get an idea on where they stand and my opinion on each. Feel free to do your own research.

Ted Cruz (R)
1-Ted Cruze Stoned Look
I figured I’d get this guy out of the way first. Personally I think he looks creepy and I never thought he would be any good for the pro-marijuana cause to begin with. Eating a booger on live TV does not help that either. Regardless, I wanted to see where he actually stands, or at least where he says he stands.

It seems he won’t be much help with legalization other than possibly staying out of the way. Just a couple years ago in 2014 Ole Ted was saying that the Federal Government should be enforcing the drug laws. Not even a year later in 2015 he is saying that even though he does not agree with it, (marijuana legalization) he feels it is the state’s right and we should let the states experiment with it. I guess it could be worse.
When it comes to drugs and the drug war in general he seems to be on the right track. Although not fixing the problem, he does feel in 2015 that there need to be lower minimum and mandatory sentences for drugs. He also supports giving the judges more discretion on sentencing. In support of that he Co-Sponsored The Smarter Sentencing Act of 2015.
When it comes to his past personal marijuana use he does not have much to say. The statement given 2015 is “I foolishly smoked pot when I was young, but never since.”
Marco Rubio (R)
1-Marco Rubio Stoned Look
So now on with Marco Rubio. Just saying stupid things and looking like your baked is not enough to say you’re pro-legalization. I needed to see what the deal was with this guy too. Not that I’d vote for him, just good to know and glad I did. Wooooo I think he is a closet user because of how hateful towards marijuana he is. Kind of like the closet gay politicians. They are always the worst for gay rights and this guy seems to be that way about weed.
Just in recent years Marco hasn’t had anything nice to say about legalized marijuana. Heck in one month in 2014 he repeatedly said that there is no responsible way to recreationally use marijuana. As if that was not bad enough he also repeatedly stated that the federal government needs to enforce the federal drug laws in the states with legalized marijuana. This is in addition to saying that legalization would be a mistake and we should only reduce sentences very carefully. This is just crazy talk. That attitude didn’t change a bit come May 2015 when he is repeating the same thing, No responsible way to recreationally use marijuana. Knowing how many potheads there are in every aspect of life I can’t help but wonder how many people around him rolled their eyes and thought this dude is killing my buzz.
The only positive thing, and barely, is when in Aug. 2015 he said Medical marijuana “could” be ok, but not recreational. So basically, if marijuana and legalization is a big thing to you, this is certainly not your guy.
As for the question of personal consumption, I think he smokes. Not only because of the look on his face in the above pic. Not because his brother-law was sentenced to 35 years for cocaine distribution, served 10 and Marco pulled strings to get him (a felon) his real estate license. I think he smokes because of how he always avoids answering the question. His only answer as to whether he smoked in the past or currently is that it does not matter and is irrelevant.
Hillary Clinton (D)
1-Hillary High
You know you think you know about someone until you really start looking into them. Hillary I have always felt started off with good intentions then ended up being a politician instead. Kind of like the saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. See how she fought for health care I thought she would be the same on marijuana but I still needed to look into it anyway.
It seems, and I should not be surprised, that she treads down the middle. Like she is trying to do what is right, but not all at once and without making anyone upset. Just enough to keep some of the pro-legalization folks quiet and not so much as to make big waves (as she should) in business and law. She wants to talk the good talk, but keep getting the funding from the big guys. Her stance is currently to Stop putting marijuana users in jail. That is a big plus of course, but not legalized as it should be. She is ok with Medical Marijuana and has a wait and see attitude on Legalized Recreational Marijuana while some states try it out.
As for drugs in general I think she is along the right track, although not taking it as far as she should. Not only does she want to stop locking up pot heads but she also wants to divert non-violent drug offenders away from prisons. Instead setting up community support and policing programs. In addition she wants to end the harsher sentencing policy for crack cocaine over powder cocaine.
As for her personal marijuana use I was a bit surprised. She says, and people back her up, that she was basically a good girl. She never smoked drank, smoked pot, did drugs, go to parties or get wild. I’m sure Bill did enough for both of them.  It turns out she liked to dress occasionally like a hippy, but did not party like one.
Donald Trump (R)
1-Donald Trump
You know we had to get around to Donald. Donald fkn Drumph. With all the hate, rudeness, and dick comments I think he would be a much better movie president than a real one. I think he is still campaigning like he is on a reality TV show. Regardless, even though I don’t care much for him as a candidate or anything else for that matter, I really had no idea what his marijuana policy is. I assume he would be all for legalization or anything that would be profitable.
I thought being the loudmouth he is there would be tons on this subject with him. Meh, not so much. He had said a few times in the past that drug enforcement is a joke. At one point he even said all drugs should be legalized and taxed for education. That I found to be a shocker. Something I would agree with him on. Apparently that was just a mood. He fired Miss USA back in 2006 for drug use and in 2015 said only Medical Marijuana should be legal. So I guess it depends on what mood he is in or what audience he is speaking to at the time.
As for his personal use of marijuana that is non-existent. Apparently his brother was a big time drinker and died from it. He advised him never to drink or do drugs and he claims never have touched anything ever. I don’t believe him but hey, that could explain why he is an asshole a lot of times. Maybe he should smoke a big fatty
Bernie Sanders (D)
1-Bernie Baked
Of course I saved the best for last. This s my guy for a million reasons other than weed. He has been on the right side of history and important decisions for decades and way before people see it. With that in mind you would think it would be safe to assume he will also be on the right side of marijuana legalization. Well, I can’t assume because you never know. I need to look into it.
So with Bernie being on the right side of history and many important decisions, it was no shock to find him on the cutting edge with marijuana policy. Back in 2001, before it was even a thing, he fought to legalize medical marijuana and Co-Sponsored the States Rights to Medical Marijuana Act. Most candidates don’t even speak of hemp, yet in 2013 he calls to remove industrial hemp from the marijuana laws. In Sept 2015 he publicly states that The War on Drugs is a failed policy and drug use should be met with treatment, not punishment. Of course with all this it was no surprise when in Oct 2015 he said he would certainly vote for the legalization of recreational marijuana use. Even if only to reduce jailing of citizens. It does not get anymore straight forward than that.
As for Bernie’s personal use of marijuana; he admits to smoking marijuana when he was younger. He said, he did smoke, and he did inhale but did not like it due to all the excessive coughing.

Pot Leaf Vote
So all in all I would have to say that if the only thing you’re stoned ass cares about is who will be most likely to legalize marijuana across the board, than clearly Bernie Sanders is the man.
Cruz is barely on the fence with medical but at least sees the BS in minimum mandatories and such.
Rubio is the last damn thing you would want when it comes to marijuana anything. He would be like Hitler to the Jews for marijuana legalization. I’m sure I’d end up in some kind of camp somewhere. While that hypocrite gets high.
Hillary is wishy washy and on the fence trying not to piss anyone off at all. I am sure she would just pander to whoever made the most noise and biggest donations. Which on the plus side, if stoners would get their shit together they might be able to nudge her to the legalize side.
Trump, well he is Trump and there is really no telling with that guy. He could flat out say he guarantees to keep it illegal or to make it legal and I’d be like: “Meh, we’ll see what he says tomorrow”.
You want legalizes recreational marijuana in additional to medical? Then there is no other choice than Bernie Sanders. He didn’t beat around the bush about it he will do it. He was ahead of the ball in moving on medical years ago. He is influenced by what is best for the American people. not what is most profitable for big business. **
Sources: and of course fkn Google son!


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